What is PBL?
Positive Behaviour for Learning or PBL actively promotes positive behaviour, enabling students to develop a clear understanding of required expectations, develop responsibly for their own behaviour and work together to create a positive, productive and harmonious learning community. Attention is focused on creating and sustaining a variety of systems of support that improve lifestyle results for all students by making negative behaviours less effective, and making positive behaviour more desirable and functional.
Why is it important?
PBL is a systematic and evidence based program. Based on research, it is designed to support all students to achieve their best academically, socially and behaviourally. Analysis of student data provides the school with area to address to support student staff and parents.
What will PBL look like at Ashtonfield PS?
As our school, we have developed a set of values and expectations for our students, staff and community to adopt.
Our school values are: Respectful, Responsible and Successful
Each of these values are broken down into skill-based lessons. Teachers will explicitly teach and reinforce desired behaviours through focused lessons using a variety of teaching strategies such as discussions, role-plays and modelling. The three school values are reinforced daily in a diverse range of ways. Staff will use consistent language and visuals to support learning.
View our expected non-classroom behaviours here: